Keep track of the adventure.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Back Home...since the 20th, sorry

Hey, this post comes late...I know. But I've been back now for 9 days. It's good to be home. I met my family and friends...and girlfriend (yeah!) at the airport on Tuesday afternoon, or rather, they met me...I was just some dazed kid stumbling down the terminal on about 3 hours of sleep who happened to be awake but with this sleepy glazed look on my face. I was still all smiles so see everyone though. The long journey was over and I was back in Oregon. It felt weird being around so many people from where I was from. I felt like a brother to every single American in the airport, or at least the airport staff, cause I knew they were all mostly Oregonians.

One of our first stops on the drive back down to Eugene was to a Red Robin for lunch...and let me tell you, I hadn't had a proper burger since leaving the states. We make the best burgers in the world here...the ones dripping in grease and sauces...hence we are a heavier people, to oversimplifiy things.

But since being home, Christmas has happened. Every day so far, I can still shut my eyes and see the streets in Spain I walked down everyday. It's a pleasant feeling to open them again and see the people I love. When I go back, I hope to take a few of you with me this time. Thanks to everyone who commented on the entries and gave me feedback. It was always so nice to hear what you thought. I might not update this very often anymore. Sorry guys. The next time around, when I hope to France to study, I'll have to pull it out retirement and see if I still remember how to work this thing. Moreover, without erasing everything just before updating it like I did when I was first starting.

Alright, it's good to be home. Over and out.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Vienna, Austria


So I find myself now, about 5 days after my last entry, in the city of Vienna, Austria. This city was way bigger than I thought it would be. Luckily, I have Justin Eckley and Nolan Roberts here with me. They know exactly when to get on and off the buses and subways, seeing as how they've been living here for the last 3 months. I'm having so much fun with these guys though. We lived together for the last two years at the Antioch House...a place to which I will be returning shortly. There's only 5 days left for me here in Europe...then it's home, and from there, a job and classes again. I'm excited for that though. Vienna's cool, and having the guys here to show me it is even cooler, but I'm 100% ready to be home. Christmas is almost here. I need a good dose of eggnog, a fireplace, and some good Christmas tunes. Anyone up for some of that when I get home? Well, we've gone downtown, and so far, that's about it. There's a going away dinner party tonight for the guys that I get to go to, but other than that, it's been the most relaxing part of my trip. It's a bummer that I don't speak German, seeing as how everyone here does, but the good thing is that everyone here also speaks very good English. These European countries blow us out of the water when it comes to how many languages the average person speaks.

Well, that's about it...just a little update. Ireland turned out to be so cool, and I recommend it to everyone. When I get the chance, some day in the future, I will definately be going back there. I'll see you all in a few short days! Miss you!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Back in Dublin

I kissed the Blarney stone today and will probably have cold sores for the rest of my life...oh well. But I'm back in Dublin right now.

Today was fun. I saw some castles and we did a lot of driving. I did a very needed load of laundry at the hostel this evening too...let me say that again...MUCH NEEDED! Beer spills on sweatshirts are never pleasent.

I went and saw the Narnia movie last night...alone, but it was SO worth it. I just thought I'd let you all know that.

I'm leaving in the morning for London, and I don't know what I'm going to do. Meaning, will I stay 25 hours in the airport, or will I go to that cheap bed in breakfast again? I liked that place (that's where I stayed last time I flew into London). After that, back to Santander, Spain to collect the rest of everything else...namely my precious guitar, and then I head out again. This time for Frankfurt. Get this...I have like another 24 hours in that airport before I finally arrive in final European destination. I have 10 days left here. I've had fun, but I'm ready to come home.

But tonight...I'm going to go have one last pint of Guinness and sit and enjoy some live Irish folksongs played in a pub. Can't wait to see you all again!

Friday, December 09, 2005

This place is amazing

ok, I've finnaly found internet access again. There's quite a lot to explain since I left. I won't be putting up any images at this point unfortunately, but hey...the stories will hopefully be enough.

To begin, I should probably try to remember where I ended last time. I've left Belfast, and have gone to about 4 more cities since then. The Giant's Causeway was amazing, and the wintery sunshine came out nearly all day for us. I have the sweetest pictures, but frustrating...I can't post them right now. Just imagine this...Ireland's rugged landscape and ragging sea, green hills that roll like the ocean waves and break off suddenly at the water's edge. Then, picture me with my tin whistle playing a tune that sounds something like Danny Boy and prancing around the slippery rocks, wet from the sea mist. That's what's going on here.

Anyways, back to the story. I went to a city called Derry and learned a ton more about the Catholic and Protestant history there. All that interests me so much. I think I'm going to read more about it when I come home. And believe me when I say, no one not from here really knows what happened or is still happening. We're all basically misinformed about the truth of most of it. That's not a story for this blog though. So, we listened to some good Irish music in the pubs...we do that most every night it seems like. Oh, side note...I saw the grave of William Yeats after we left Derry. I don't even know much about him, nor have I read any of his stuff, but I know some of you will find that interesting.

I stayed the night in Galway, but we didn't do to much there. Later on we went to the Cliffs of Moher, and THAT was incredible. Something like 800 foot cliff faces that fall straight into the sea. And mom, I got VERY close to the edge! We took this ferry across the Shannon River, I think it was, and I came to find out that Ireland has dolphin. We saw them jumping out in front of the boat. Craziest thing. We went to Kerry today and went to a beach for a little while, where I pumped out some more tunes on my tin whistle. We're in Killarney right now, and I already like it here a lot. I think this is the town in that Bing Crosby song called Christmas in Killarney...if so, that's cool. But I have to cut this off...I'm paying to use the, laters all!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Change of plans...

Last night was amazing. I met some americans at my hostel and we walked literally 5 minutes down the road to this pub where they were playing live Celtic music. I love that lar de dar music so sticking much. The musicians were all gathered round a table and just jamming with each other. There was this older lady on the guitar (late fifties maybe), and various other instrumentalists...such as the guy on the fiddle, and the other guy on the irish penny whistle. I actually had my very own whistle sitting comfortable in my right pocket the whole time, and it was just itching to get in on the action, but I refrained from the embarrasment. That was pretty cool though. Actually, that was AMAZING! Live Irish music with at a pub...enough said.

So I woke up the next morning at about 7:00 am to hope next door to see if there was room for me in that Paddy Wagon tour thingy. Fortunately, there was, so I've completely changed my Ireland plans. Currently, I'm in Belfast, Northern Ireland. I have an official tour guide, and lots of Australian and New Zealand friends I've made so far on the trip with me. Today, we hoped into these black colored taxi tour guide things, led by older gentelman from Belfast, and we got a tour of the Catholic and Protestant sides of town, and the history behind their war. It was sad and depressing, but such an eye openning experience. As little as 15 years ago, it was basically an all out war between these people. Also, I saw a hotel, the Europa, which had been bombed by the IRA 31 times in total, and we drove by a bank where a sucessful robbery occured where something like 26 million pounds were stolen. And did you know, Belfast is where the Titanic was designed and constructed? Cool city. But tomorrow I'm headed to this geological formation known as the Giant's Caussway. Google image search it if you want to check out what it looks like.

Overall though, I'm pretty dang excited with what's happening. I'm no longer traveling Ireland alone. I've made a dozen friends, and I'm going to be guided through the majority of the island. I'm so stinkin blessed right now. See you guys soon.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

A bit more on Dublin

Here's something cool that happened...

I was out walking the streets of this town last know, past cathedrals, street musicians, pubs and the like...and I walked past a homeless man asking for spare change. I walked by him, got about 30 feet away, turned around and looked back at him, and just felt like the Lord wanted me to go show some compassion and buy him some food. I hesitated for a long time, but I ended up walking back up to him, asking how he was doing, and if I could get him a sandwich from the nearby grocery store. Anyways, I ended up grabbing him a sandwich, and a cup of tea for both him and I. I walked back over to him and we sat there together and just had conversation. His name was Paddy (how Irish is that for crying out loud), and he was 57. I talked with him about Dublin, and then religion, and I got his take on God. It wasn't really me witnessing to him, but I just got the chance to love on this bum.

So, after a while, a kinda tipsy guy stopped to give some change while Paddy and I where sitting on the sidewalk sipping our teas, and the guy (Rob was his name...26 years old) told us how people nowadays do a horrible job looking after the elderly, and about an incident he had today helping an older lady out. He was a pretty nice guy. I mentioned to him that I was planning on swinging over to Galway in a few days, and he got super excited because he's from the town. He ended up giving me some advice about what to see there. After several minutes, Rob invited me to a pint with his buddies and him. I was super excited about the prospect spending some time with some locals, so I went with him gladly, saying goodbye the Paddy.

From there, I went to a bar packed wall to wall and Rob bought me a pint of Guinness, my first in Ireland. It was such a treat. It was a little hard to hear in that bar at points, and Rob;s accent mixed with alcohol was a bit difficult to decipher at times, but I considered that the fun of it. So that's how my night ended. I walk back to the hostel later on and found myself crashing in my bed. Unfortunately, some german guys came in a little later and they were drunk and noisy. They were doing Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions while everyone was trying desperately to sleep. This was at like 3 in the morning. Also, there was a rather large fellow sleeping in the top bunk of a bed next to mine, and that man had a talent for snoring. He was a champ, but I was worried that he was going to suffocate or of the two.

The next morning, I walked down the street near my hostel to go to a Christian church I had seen the day before, and I ended up going into one that was much closer that I hadn't seen. I totally heard the worship, and went on in. It was awesome to get to worship with the Irish locals. They sang songs that I knew, and then the pastor gave a sermon on CS Lewis, and his life as a Christian, and how he became one. He gave it because of the new The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie, which is coming out soon. Afterwards we had more sweet worship, with the full band feel still (I really got reminded of home going to this church). Then I met a few people after the service, and we went an grabbed lunch together at this place, and I got some mexican...a burrito actually...but it fell short of my Mexican food standards.

Ok, this is getting long. But I met a girl in that group of young Irish Christian who told me about something called Paddywagon tours...or somthing like that. I'm pretty much changing my original plans now, and heading to every single part of Ireland and Northern Ireland now...all in a 6 day tour with a big group. It's going to cost a little extra, but I'll see every part of the country now...ending up back in Dublin on the 10th...where I'll go the airport on the next day and fly out. Here's the route I'm taking...starting and ending in Dublin I'm excited. But hey...that's all I got for now. Hope you all enjoyed this update! Laters

Saturday, December 03, 2005


I'm here. Don't know anyone yet...well one guy who was cooking next to me in the kitchen this evening at the hostel. Listen...I couldn't wait to go to Ireland for the longest time, but my intense desire to go home is sorta tainting this Irish excursion just a bit. I'll have to hunker down and enjoy every single second. Not gonna waste this opportunity. But man am I anxious for home. Internet time is short...thus, so is this entry.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

This is the end of my adventures in Spain.

Hey everyone,
This is my last night in Santander. It´s a little sad, but I´m ready to come home...I´ve been ready for a while now. I´ll be updating you from Ireland on Saturday or Sunday hopefully (assuming I find a place to use the internet). If anyone would like me to catch them a leprechaun or find them a four leave clover or anything so I can bring it back to them, now´s your chance to ask! I´ll see what I can do, but I heard they started cracking down on leprechaun immigration to the states, so I´ll have a heck of a time getting him past customs. They are very small though. Best of luck to all my college friends on your finals! I´m officially on Christmas Break!!!!