Keep track of the adventure.

Friday, October 14, 2005

I haven´t posted anything in a few days, so it´s about time I caught up.

Let´s see, I have a few important pictures to post today...
First, here´s one of my host mom (Begoña) and me, and the little dog Bizca (pronounced Beethca).

And here´s Bizca...tiny little thing. Mellow though, and that´s good.

And here´s where I watch TV (El Señor de los Anillo, aka Lord of the Rings...has been on every monday night.)

Along with every good TV watching session, I enjoy a fine meal on this small, but accomodating table. Everything´s typically set out for me, and I don´t have to take a single dish to the dish washer. The gals I live with seem to do every little thing for me down to making my bed. I take care of all personal hygene though. It´s like a hotel here. Anyways, here´s the table.

So last night, I spent about 2 hours watching Spanish dubbed American shows with my host mom. We actually had some really good conversation. She loved talking about all the American actors and movies I liked. It was fun pronouncing everyone´s name like I was Spanish. I´d forgo the American way of saying names after awhile and just say things like Brad Peet, and Rowben Williams, Hoolia Rowbairts (hope that not too hard for anyone to figure out). I figured out that the title of the movie Hook, is translated as NeverLand in Spanish. I wasn´t pleased with that. But I watched a show I think is called Without a Trace in English. Not sure, but we enjoyed it.

I´m loading up some pictures of the bay I live nearby too. I took a picture then moved a little so if you join them all together, you might be able to get a good panoramic sense of where I was standing when I took the pictures. I actually think I caught a couple of lovers smootching on the bench too (Bay 7). I´m really quite sneaky. Too bad I wasn´t that good at the Guggenheim.
Bay 1
Bay 2
Bay 3
Bay 4
Bay 5
Bay 6
Bay 7
Bay 8
Bay 9

Josiah, that would be rad if you´d string those together for me. Do it whenever if you´re up for it. Oh, and I hope you all notice how I finally figured out how to get rid of the ugly wesite addresses. I´m not feeling like doing it to the rest of the addresses right now, but I´ll start doing it from now on. It makes it look so much nicer!

Well I don´t have plans for this weekend, but I´ll let you guys know if anything cool happens.
P.S. Holly, do you like having my cell phone?


Anonymous said...


There is an intense lack of your crooning voice and dashing good looks at this house...i'm thinking that our first week back in january, we need a friday night worship with you, me, john mark and chris from Varsity...that would be stellar...

I'm so jealous that you're away and over there dude, everything looks rad, but i have a feeling you're gonna love france even more...

You best be writing a song for rachel and myself to record for us for a wedding present...!!!!!

Later man,


Anonymous said...

Jas, its so nice having your cell cause then i dont feel bad when mom tells me to take her cell phone when i leave the house. lol you really need to tell me how to check the minutes on line though and how to get the $5 for unlimited texting thing (if thats okay). And that whole Hook translation, yeah i agree, wierd. Simple Spaniards....i'm just keeeding!! lol Welp, glad you're havin' fun! Oh and that dog is so cute! lol see ya!

Joe D said...

Goodness, that was no small chore. Where would you like your enlongated picture? I can email it to you if you want. As far as the Antioch blog, I sent you an invitation a while ago, but I don't know if anything happened with that, so when I get your email I send you another invite. and I notice your blogging skill is growing by both leaps and bounds.

PS I hope you were unselfish and gave your sister the deluxe leather cell phone case.