Keep track of the adventure.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Plane Tickets

Nothing crazy to report except that I´ve been going on a shopping spree these last couple days.

I bought a ticket for Dublin, Ireland that leaves Dec. 2nd and a ticket to Vienna, Austria that leaves Dec. 13th.

I hate spending money...but I can´t pass up these traveling opportunities.

I´d better go open up my guitar case and start playing the street corners for small change.


Anonymous said...

Jason! IRELAND! you lucky son of a gun! Get a picture of yourself playing on the street corner. HA i bet you'll make some good money. Make sure you get a little Frankie in the mix. K well hope everything continues to go fabulously and remember we are all praying for you. Later!

-Amanda lee

Joe D said...

Do it. My friend used to make lunch money playing in the halls of his high school...granted that was at West Linn and sometimes he would make 40$ in a half hour period...but I'm sure you could rake it in. Perhaps I will come visit and Photoshop on street corners...and then maybe that could be our turf and we could get in gang battles with other guitar playing/photoshopping duos.

Anonymous said...

OH AYE!! LUCKY!! seriously thats so rad. I want you to try your Irish accent on some of the locals and see if they notice. hahaha thats what i would do!!