Keep track of the adventure.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Just another Tuesday

I was going to play soccer with some local guys know, the street ball style pick up game...but they schedueled it during when we had class. Man! Would have been great. Would have been awesome. shoes stink as it is. I don´t need to be playing soccer in them.

Well, last night I had a long discussion about religion with my host mom. It was actually about how I consider lust a sin, and she does not. She has a "whatever feels right" type attidute. She wont read the Bible 'cause she doubts its validity and thinks she wouldn´t understand it anyways. I have a hard time convincing her that the Bible is valid. She always wants me to read between its lines. Not gonna do it. She´s lost in something Catholic that has nothing to do with Jesus. Sad day. I´ll be praying for her. Join me in that task if you´re up for it. I know she needs all the prayers she can get.

Well, not much else to say. My next big adventure isn´t for nine more days, when I take off for London. Yikes! If anyone reading this knows Theo Blossom, I´ll be staying with him for 3 days. I thought that might interest some of you. Oh you know what...I might be going to a city called Segovia this weekend with my American group. Yeah, I think I am. That actually might be something I want to find out for sure.

In other news...I learned that to really have a good accent, you have to say words like hablado, or cerrado like this...hablao, cerrao. Basically, you drop the d. Only in Spain though. Never there! Don´t do it there don´t! So basically, if you have a hard time reading Spanish, the word hablado (ah-BLAH-doe) becomes ah-BLAH-oh. And cerrado (thay-RAH-doe) becomes thay-RAH-oh. It´s like 'little' is pronounced more like 'liddle' when spoken in normal everyday speach. That bored everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAAHA i wasn't bored! lol So you get to stay with Theo?!! Thats so awesome!! I miss that kid! Tell him i send him my love!! Now I am thouroughly, hard core jealous i think would describe it. lol well, you have to try your accent there too. he he 'ello Love! like that. :D k well have the best time ever in London lucky pants!!