Keep track of the adventure.

Friday, February 23, 2007

hey kids

Week one of actually going to class is over, and I survived the last hour of it today, friday, with the aid of a cup of coffee from a Nescafé vending machine. It cost me 50 euro cents. Not the best cup I've ever had, but it got the job done. Anyways....

So tomorrow morning I'm going to visit a French tourist hot spot: Mont Saint-Michel

I'm stoked.

I'm also tired. In fact, I could use a nap...and a shower, and some food, and a clean pair of socks. Fortunately, those are all easy to take and to find.

Well, this week, all the French students have been on vacation, while us foreigners have been working hard, so the school has been all ours. That will all change on Monday, but that's a good thing in my opinion because that marks the return of the French language as well, which I haven't seen much of in these last few days...not gonna lie. I've been speaking too much English, and with all the actual citizens of this country returning, so will all my many chances of making small talk with random strangers...small, slow, and unimpressive, to be exact. But my French skills ARE improving. I just feel like I backtracked since I got here, and talk much worse, when in reality, my perception of how good at French I really was took 3 giants steps back. I'm actually a lot better... I'm just realizing now how far I have to go. It's actually a little frustrating because I'm still much better at Spanish, and just wish I could use French as easily. It's only the end of my 3rd week here, so I've got plenty of time left...plenty. And I will improve.

Dad, you'd be interested to know that since I started work at the local white flag factory, my French vocabulary has really began to skyrocket. Granted, I'm learning real useless phrases, like, "I surrender," "Uncle," and my personal favorite "What's a gun?" but it's French nonetheless. (Joking...all of it...a joke, just in case someone reading didn't know)

Ok, I'm done after that. this laptop is actually making my thighs sweat. That just another good reason to go find that shower. Laters!


Anonymous said...

these are too few and far between.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures! sorry you computer was not working. Praying every day for you - let your light shine! Love you - mom

Anonymous said...

That's what she said.