Keep track of the adventure.

Monday, September 26, 2005

ok here...

This took way to long to upload, but go to this website here to look at a picture of downtown.

I´ll get more up.


Anonymous said...

You live there! not fair/really cool


Anonymous said...

The picture looks good, we are all jealous. Keep them coming. We also want to here all about your adventures, if we can't be there you'll have to make it feel like we are. Your mom keeps telling me that she misses you, we all do. have a great day son. Talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...


So excited that you are actually in Spain . . . that place looks freakin' sweet.

I hope that you find something almost as cool as Fung's there in Spain, but I somehow doubt it. Oh well, Josiah and I will have to go have some peppers for you this week.

Keep up the posting, we wanna know all about your trip and how it changes your life.

You're just a pawn in my game,

Joe D said...

That is amazing. It makes me want to Photoshop, but I'm not sure why.

I just dropped by to point you here..

and perhaps, if you don't want to read that, inform you that Kirstin Dunst may or may not have spilled that Sandman and Venom are the villains of Spiderman 3. I thought if one person could appreciate that, it would be you. Hopefully it is all true.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jas!!! Yes, I do miss you!!! It was great to hear from you - the connection was so clear. I got on Google Earth and saw a great satellite photo of the town up close - beautiful coastline! I started my new job today - it's going to be great. Please send me a picture of where you're staying, the host family and the school your attending. Hope you had a great first day at school. I've been praying every day for you. Wog starts school tonight - she has chamber orchestra. I love you and miss you and can't wait to hear more about your days in Spain. Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Okay, it appears that everyone else who cares about you posted some long comments, mine wasnt very cool, so here's another one. :-) Heres a cool story, I worked today for the first time by myself (not being trained) and wow, worst ever. I kept doing stuff wrong and i was having the worst day and the other guy working seriously hates me i think...anyway, bad day...THEN your amazing sister holly came in and visited me and it lifted my spirits, gosh i love that girl..good job on her. Anyway, I hope that your time just keeps getting better and better and i want to hear all about it, and i want to see some more pictures! Call me so i can hear your spanish accent...and southern :-) K miss you, later!

-Amanda lee