Keep track of the adventure.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Ok...sorry I disappeared

Actually, when I last wrote that my next big adventure was to London...I was wrong. I forgot about a 3 day field trip my class and I were slated to take. We went to Burgos, Segovia, and Toledo. I have a TON of pictures.

We left from Santander at about 8 in the morning. I can´t remember how long we drove because I slept for most of it. I think it was something like 3 or 4 hours. When we arrived in Burgos, the weather was nice, but really, really cold. As soon as we got off, we walked over to the cathedral.
Here it is:
Burgos Cathedral 1
Burgos Cathedral 2
Burgos Cathedral 3
Burgos Cathedral 4

It was a pretty cool place. We had to hurry out of there towards the end though, because we were schedueled to hit up a local monastery, where we would be served a lunch cooked by the monks. It was tasty, to say the least, and we got to sample the wine they made right there in the monastery.

After that, we took off for Segovia. When we got there it was night, but you could still see the castle and the aqueduct all lit up. I´ll get to those later. But we crashed there for the night after walking around town for a while. It was super cold there too. I´m glad I brought my beany, but I´m realizing now that I´m not quite prepared for how cold it´s going to get here (sorry mom, you were right...I shoulda packed more warm stuff).

Anyways, the next day, we woke up bright and early, but not to the hotel´s phone call, cause it never came. Good thing I set my watch. Oh yeah, I had shaved the night before, after having gone a week or so without doing so. That might make some of you happier now...Amy. So, we hopped on the bus after a decent breakfast of cereal and hot chocolate, and we took off for Todelo. Now, when we got there, this tour guide jumped on the bus with us. He was awesome. He was a very hip Spaniard who spoke super good English, but had that definately Spanish accent. He was hilarious. It suprised me how many American pop culture references he made.

This city is appartly more than 2,000 years old, but nobody´s sure exactly how old. There was the cathedral, and the castle, and oh...if you´re big into art, we went and saw works by El Greco. For instance...this painting. I didn´t take that photo...I found it online. They don´t let you take photos of stuff like that. But yeah, it was a huge painting. Covered a whole wall.

Anyways, we went to the amazing spot where we took some pictures of the city:
Toledo 1
Toledo 2
Toledo 3
Toledo 4
Toledo 5

That last one is the picture of the corner building where we had lunch that day. Café Real I think it was called.

After that, we kinda walked around a bit. We saw other small things, but there´s more to tell, so I´ll jump ahead just a little.

The rain started as we were leaving, so we were glad to jump back on the bus. We watched movies on the bus to kill time, but I can never get into them. By the time we got home (I think it was a 5 hour bus ride or something like that. Again, I sleep too much to know for reals.) we were all a pretty tired and cranky.

It was dark when we got back to our hotel in Segovia. By the way, this was the view out my window. We were all hanging out in one of the rooms, watching the Spanish national soccer team play Slovakia or somebody, when Alex looks out the window and says, "Hey dudes, it´s snowing." No body said anything, cause we either didn´t hear him, or didn´t believe him. But he told us again, and I jumped over to the window and saw the flakes for myself. It was snowing in Segovia.

We took off to go find some trouble to make in the streets. I caught a picture of a builing I thought you all should see...the cathedral.

The day after, went out on a walking tour of the city. The scene was amazing. Snow had fallen all night and stuck. So here are some of the pretty pictures of my trip so far.

Snowy church
Snowy Cathedral

This is amazing. This is Sydney, me, and Nellie in front of a nearly 2,000 year old aqueduct. This thing is incredible. There was no mortar used in its construction. It´s simply stone on perfectly placed/cut stone...well, as simple as that can get anyways. Its own weight is what keeps all the stones in place. WOW! Amazing.

We stopped there for a long time but moved on to the castle after a few minutes of snow ball fights and pictures. Oh, I have to stop here and tell you how fun it was to be throwing snowballs at one another. I hit girls with snowballs. That was fun. They were all whining about it, so I figured I had to knock the whine out of them with some more snow balls. I recruited several other willing young men to help me, and soon, we knock that whine right out of them. They finally got mad enough at us to grab some snow balls themselves and participate in our war. Mission Accomplished.

Ok, moving on to the castle (the snowball fights lasted all the way til we got there. It was great.). This castle...I don´t have much to say about it, you should just look at some pictures, and let them speak for me. We climbed the tower in front and got some amazing pictures of the rest of the town.

From the Tower 1
From the Tower 2
From the Tower 3
From the Tower 4
From the Tower 5
Group picture from the Tower

So that´s just about that. We headed back to Santander later that evening...driving across snow covered Spanish fields. I played in the snow in Spain. I think I´ll have that memory for a long time. Sorry to all you who were dying for an update. There´s a big one. Right out of the blue. So I´m leaving for London on Thursday night. Wish me luck. Til then, hasta luego.


Anonymous said...


Please go by yourself a pair of gloves and a warmer jacket!!! You can mail back home anything you can't fit in your backpack, like all the souveniers that you've bought me and other precious items!Ha! What a beautiful place Spain is. So many great places you've gone to. Very happy for you. Have a great time in London with Theo, and please say hello to him from all of us. Praying about France for you. I love you and miss you, but it sure helps to read your blog and see all those great pictures! Love you so much.

Anonymous said...

Your entries are out of control! I never have time to read all of them! Sounds like you are having fun though. We miss you!


Anonymous said...


those pictures make me so happy and jealous at the same time! You got to play in the snow!! IN SPAIN!!!! Oh man, you are going to have such a good time in London! okay, i really dont have anything to say that i havent already said to you, i just felt like a bad person for never posting any comments on your blogs. So, here ya go! I'm praying for you, mi caballero, and i cant wait til you come home...but continue to soak up all of that Spainsish culture and have the time of your life! Miss you, laters!

-Amanda lee

Anonymous said...

shh, i didnt spell "SPANISH" wrong in that entry...

Anonymous said...

Oh man Jason. That town with the snow is gorgous. seriously so beautiful. what an experience. i loved what you said about the snow ball fight and those girls. that made me laugh a lot. lol i hope you pulled a Harry Dunn on one of them. I'd be highly dissapointed if not. Oh you know what you should do? you should bring me back some snow! I expect it to be fluffy! No excuses! k well i love you and I'm so happy for you! just make sure you dont come home with an accent cause that would just be way unfair. lol love ya bye!