Keep track of the adventure.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The time is drawing near

Well, I only have 8 days left in Santander. Tonight, I´m trying my hand at baking an apple pie for our Thanksgiving Dinner our group has planned. It promises to be a huge disaster, but luckily I´ve enlisted the help of a kitchen savvy girl to give me a hand. I hear we´re going to be at a restaurant and have it all to ourselves. I also heard that they´re going to put a football game on for us...broadcasted all the way from America. We´ll see. But after these next 8 days...DUBLIN! For those of you who know I have an Irish penny whistle, and for those of you who have heard me play it, know this...I´ve got it with me here in Spain, and it´s going to Ireland with me. Picture it now, me, me sitting on the Blarney Stone, whistling away to Danny Boy or some other Irish classic. Everyone will be dancing a jig, and the Leprechauns will all come out to whip up some magical feast. It will be just like I´ve always imagined it.

Well, to give everyone an update...I won´t be going back to France anymore. I just don´t have the money. I´m going back to OSU for the next two terms and I´ll be working a lot. Hopefully I can save enough money to go to France sometime during the next school year. It´s going to happen, just not now. So, this blog might die down after December. Nope...guarenteed it will.

K, that´s it. Thanks everyone who leaves comments! I love reading them. Laters.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Jason! Your pie, I'm sure will turn out just excellent! Are you guys having all the Turkey fixings? We are heading up to Uncle Franks and Aunt Jennifers tonight. We will miss our boy! Let me know when your host family gets their package, kay? Drop me an email. Call us on thanksgiving on my cell phone, if you have any minutes left. You family loves you and will miss you tomorrow at Thanksgiving. Praying for you every day! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Merry Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

To the greatest son ever,
Great blog, great pictures, great time in Europe, what a great life!!! We serve a GREAT GOD don't we? Things at home are great as well. We are having a great time at Frank and Jens and we are looking forward to a great turkey dinner. Sure would be great if you were here. We love and miss you and are grateful that you are getting this experience. We are looking forward to the day you come home, Sure will be great getting to see you again. Keep us informed as you continue your travels, your the greatest!

Your greatfull Dad