Keep track of the adventure.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


I'm here. Don't know anyone yet...well one guy who was cooking next to me in the kitchen this evening at the hostel. Listen...I couldn't wait to go to Ireland for the longest time, but my intense desire to go home is sorta tainting this Irish excursion just a bit. I'll have to hunker down and enjoy every single second. Not gonna waste this opportunity. But man am I anxious for home. Internet time is short...thus, so is this entry.


Anonymous said...

hey, if it makes you feel any better no one here misses you. now stop being homesick and enjoy yourself dangit! when the heck are you going to do this again?!! i know i'm being rude and i didn't really mean the part about no one missing you but get a grip and have FUN!!! Whoohooo!!!! yeah baby! you're in ireland for crying out loud! see ya

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason - I've been thinking about you and wondering how things are going in Ireland. I pray each day for God to really bless you. We all miss you as well, but I know you will start to really enjoy Ireland as you get out and meet people and see new places. You sound travel weary, that's very normal. I'll for sure ask the Lord to renew your strength and give you tons of peace and joy. You are loved - ENJOY your time in Ireland and Austria - you'll have plenty of time to see all of us when you get home. Love you. P.S. Ignore that blog from your sister Amy - I'll have your dad pound on her!

Anonymous said...

Son, I put some money in your account. it probably isn't enough but you do have your overdraft account which will last you for a while take advantage of it and we can help you sort it out when you get home. Also don't be afraid to use your credit cards if you need to. Continue to look for fellowship as I know the Lord has many servents in Ireland who would be a great source for your travels. We are praying for you and look forward to the stories of how the Lord blessed you in the Emerald Isle.