Keep track of the adventure.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Vienna, Austria


So I find myself now, about 5 days after my last entry, in the city of Vienna, Austria. This city was way bigger than I thought it would be. Luckily, I have Justin Eckley and Nolan Roberts here with me. They know exactly when to get on and off the buses and subways, seeing as how they've been living here for the last 3 months. I'm having so much fun with these guys though. We lived together for the last two years at the Antioch House...a place to which I will be returning shortly. There's only 5 days left for me here in Europe...then it's home, and from there, a job and classes again. I'm excited for that though. Vienna's cool, and having the guys here to show me it is even cooler, but I'm 100% ready to be home. Christmas is almost here. I need a good dose of eggnog, a fireplace, and some good Christmas tunes. Anyone up for some of that when I get home? Well, we've gone downtown, and so far, that's about it. There's a going away dinner party tonight for the guys that I get to go to, but other than that, it's been the most relaxing part of my trip. It's a bummer that I don't speak German, seeing as how everyone here does, but the good thing is that everyone here also speaks very good English. These European countries blow us out of the water when it comes to how many languages the average person speaks.

Well, that's about it...just a little update. Ireland turned out to be so cool, and I recommend it to everyone. When I get the chance, some day in the future, I will definately be going back there. I'll see you all in a few short days! Miss you!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Jason. Nat is paciently waiting for you to come home. *tears up* he's so great.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason! I am so excited for you to come home. Christmas is almost here!!!! We need to catch you up on our glorious celebrating. I hope you have a safe flight home and always remember, I love you. :) Merry Christmas bro and I will see you in just a few days!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness...holy cow...oh are coming home very soon! it will be glorious i tell you. Holly and I are nearly peeing our pants in anticipation...right holly? please dont die in a plane crash or anything, that would put a damper on the Christmas season...anyway, what i'm trying to say is be safe and I cant wait for you to come home...only five days! but whos counting really? ok BYE!


Anonymous said...

The first thing I have to say is, that Amanda girl sure makes me laugh!!! Try to get out and see as much of the country as you can and take alot of pictures for the slide show, oh and one more thing...."put another shrimp on the barby!!! Have a nice trip home, we can't wait to see you.

Anonymous said...

What is a blog?

Anonymous said...

Right Amanda!!

Anonymous said...

Well my friend, you've had quite the adventure. All this is truly stuff you will remember the rest of you life Jason. I have so enjoyed reading your posts, and seeing all the incredible pix of your trip, but I gotta tell you, it has stirred the wanderlust that has been dormant in my soul for the last few years. I think it may be time to dust off my passport. I'm praying for your safe travel home. Can't wait to for you to regale us with stories of your journey. See you next week.
