Keep track of the adventure.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Another day in a foreign land

I´m planning on heading east this weekend to the Basque town of Bilbao. If any of you out there is afraid for me because of what you may have heard about that region and it´s potential dangers, don´t worrÿ: I´ll do nothing but enjoy myself. But my professor today told us that if we see any kind of demonstration, to stay away. There´s the Gugenheim museum there that we´re going to step into. Modern Art is actually beyond my comprehension for the most part, but I suppose I want to go to see what all the fuss is about.

Well, I think it´s safe to say I have about an hours worth of homework or less this weekend. I can´t believe how easy we have it. We might be getting paired up with Spanish students next week to do a little conversation exchange. Meaning talk in Spanish for a while, then talk in English so as both people can better their skills. But I´m excited because I´ve done a pitiful job of making actual Spanish friends.

I´m going to a jazz concert tonight. It´s a performance by the Charlie Parker Legacy Band. Sounds impressive, but it´ll be fun no matter what. There´s a group of us Americans going, and then afterwards we´re all going to Bhengala, our favorite bar.

So I was trying to plan out trips around Europe today, and even work out how and when I want to arrive in Vienna, the city I´m eventually flying back home out of, and I was a little overwhelmed. Plus, I have my guitar, which actually means cumbersom travel. Oh well, I choose that. I wouldn´t have it any other way.

I found a place in town that rents surfboards finally. It´s this bar that´s decked out with Foster´s beer advertisements to reinforce it´s aussi themed interior. Not a bad place, but it seems expensive to rent boards. Speaking of expensive, maybe I should not travel at all, and just save as much money as possible (seeing as how I don´t have a lot anyways). That would probably be wrong of me though, to be here in Europe and forgo the priveledge of seeing the sights.

Hmmm, you´d think in a foreign land I´d have more to report about. I guess I´ll have to go create some excitement tonight that will be worth telling about tomorrow. Oh, I suppose I could say that I think I´m on the brink of being sick with some sort of common cold. Maybe it´s my immune system finally caving in after holding on for so long. I haven´t had any reactions to anything here. Not the food, not the water, not the air...nothing. Hopefully the worst of it will pass this weekend.

Well, I still haven´t taken anymore pictures. I´ll do that. Special thanks to Zach Gerig for making the DB mix CD for me with the mellow beats. They served me well today.

Speaking of listening to my iPod, there´s an interesting battle I go through every time I listen to it. Seeing as how I´m in Spain and love the ambiance of the street noises and conversations that I don´t really understand, I don´t like using my iPod. On the other hand, seeing as how I love my music and find life with a soundtrack extremely appealing, I do like using it. So I´m torn. Half the time I considered the problem solved by simple putting the volume to a meager half way setting, but there´s something magical about blasting the Further Seems Forever as the pidgeons land on the Virgin Mary statue next to the sidewalk where the outdoor café plays host to quiet locals sipping their coffee, all while the compact Peugeots go tearing by down streets just wide enough to fit a horse. It´s a daily toss up how I´ll use my toy, but either way, it´s a win win situation.

I want to give a special shout out to all my brother at the Antioch House.
Family, I love you all a ton, and can´t wait to see you for Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Jason - thanks for taking the time to write when you can. Your family loves hearing about all your adventures. Keep it coming! I will email you at your email address. Love, mom

Joe D said...

HOLY WOW. you get to go to the Guggenheim in Bilbao?! WOW! It is going to rock your socks! The architecture of that place is going to floor you! Take lots of pictures inside and out.

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, Iv'e finally discovered your site, as we dont' yet have internet at our house. And I would like to add that I think it's grand. Thats really interesting, I completely understand your dilemma concerning the ipod. I almost never use mine anymore, for just that reason. I think a good compromise is use it like every other couple days or something. but iguess like you said-- either's a win-win situation. It was a nice surprise to see you at Carrie's wedding, see you at christmas

Anonymous said...

Gosh, Jas I decided that I'm gunna head over to Spain and live there as well because its just not fair. bye mom, bye dad.

Anonymous said...

You lucky son of a gun for getting to see the Guggenheim...take lots of pictures of the outside and take lots of mental pictures of all the art and tell me all about it because that it NOT FAIR. umm, make sure you get a picture by the giant bear...and the giant spider looking thing..sick! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason - I just went on the Guggenhiem museum web page. Wow, what a place! You are going to enjoy that wonderful museum. I was reading about the architect and the exhibits, and it's fasinating. I saw a picture of the spider - very interesting. Can't wait to hear what you thought of the place. Hugs - mom