Keep track of the adventure.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Sinatra during class

Alright, where do I begin today? Well I hooked up my iPod to the stereo system in class today, and we pumped some Frank Sinatra while we did our standard verb conjugations. Our prof was getting so excited that he has dancing around and knocking over our waterbottles on our desks (which he makes a habit of doing whenever the oportunity presents itself). Then, he opened up the classroom door and double the volume level as if to the tell the whole Spanish college that we were having the time of our lives...which, of course, we were.

Last night, I was up til 1 watching Las Dos Torres (The Two Towers) but I headed to bed early because I´ve seen it a billion times, and I value my rest a little more, especially since I´ve been trying to get healthy again. Yeah, I still have a little cold.

Dad, I think you would fit in perfectly over here. There´s something that they do here that you´ve been harping on us kids for years...they turn off lights when they leave rooms! It´s actually very bad (very very bad) to use excess electricity here. I get scolded if I leave a room and don´t turn the light off. I think of you every time dad. Wait and see what kind of man I am when I come back...I´ll be so refined!

So I took a picture of the keyboard I´m using, cause I think some of you might be interested to see a few of the differences, and why, if ever I keep adding all these weird symbols when I type. Here´s the link for it.

And as I was leaving the school today, I happened upon an unfortunate car´s the picture for that:

And here´s a couple more shots of the University...

Well, there´s only one more picture I could load. It´s not even that cool, but it´s something I see everyday, so I suppose it´s relevant.,%20overlooking%20the%20bay.JPG

Sorry these links are so long, but lucky for us, we call all just click on them! Well, it´s time to bring this blog entry to an end. Oh, and before I forget, something cool happened this morning as I was sitting in front of the TV eating my chocolaty kid´s cereal...I turned the channel and lo and behold, Fraggle Rock was on (in Spanish obviously). Great way to start a day out right. Well that´s it. I don´t have class tomorrow, so we´ll see if I can´t get some good pictures taken and posted. Laters.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jason - that is so funny about your spanish instructor and the sinatra music! Hey, I'm still waiting for you to send a picture of your host family and the inside of your apartment! Praying God's blessing on you every day! Not too much ale, now, kay?

Anonymous said...

Son, tell your mom not to worry that you'll only drink ale on days that end in Y!! :) Great stories and photos, you should be a writer and photographer. Hey maybe you could write about ale. :)

Anonymous said...

Our parents are funny!

TNT3 said...

If it makes you feel any better, Jason, I wholeheartedly support your drunken... uh, I mean, adoption of the pastime of throwin' back a pint of the brew... just kidding. Oh, and by the way, FRAGGLE ROCK RULES!!!! that's all i have to say...

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's up? You don't know me, so this may be a bit strange, but. . . your friend Zach's cousin is my roomie. He came over today and was showing us your picts, because Rachel and I were in Santander last spring. It makes me miss it so much! It's hilarious that you're going to and playing in Bhengala- that was the constant hangout of our group. And I saw Juan Carlos and Manuele in your pictures- tell them I say hi! Watch out for that Manuele kid, though! Hope you're having an incredible time there like we did- if you haven't already, visit the sea lions on the peninsula. Oh, and I could totally picture Manolo dancing around to Sinatra. Oh man, we miss him! Isn't he the greatest? Anyway, if you have any questions or anything Rach's email is, and mine is Would love to talk to you about everything! Oh, and you MUST get the chocolate fruit fondue at Valor. Oh, and we all love your music! It's absolutely beautiful. HAVE FUN!